Vocational Service
Vocational Service calls every Rotarian to work with integrity and contribute his or her expertise to the problems and needs of society. The Grapevine Rotary Club committee members recognize individuals for their service in the areas of police, fire and education. Spirit Awards are given to recommended Grapevine Middle School students each quarter, and this committee also works with the Rotary Inter- Country Teacher Exchange Program. The Grapevine Rotary Club has hosted several teachers from various countries and has also sent local teachers to other countries.
For more information, contact Tim Gill.
Vocational Service Awards 2019
Vocational Service Awards 2018


Ken Diehm 'Service Above Self' Award

Ken Diehm was the minister of First Methodist Church-Grapevine and a pillar in the Grapevine community. He was an example to all, as he demonstrated the Rotary Motto of "Service Above Self" in everything he did. From 2011 to 2018 the Grapevine Rotary Club honored his legacy by presenting a local community member with an award in Ken’s name, in recognition of the individual’s service to the community.